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Connect and Express is a magnetic, dry erase kit that comes with a magnetic/dry erase board ( 28 inches by 15 1/2 inches)  that folds up for easy carrying and travel. The kit includes the following: 1 Magnetic, dry erase board​; dry erase markers set of 10  and a ​dry erase crayon set of 8; a soft cloth to clean dry erase art; ​spray bottle for water or alcohol to clean board; ​tote with zipper to carry entire kit; ​two sheets of magnetic, dry erase sheets for refrigerator play; ​16 feeling words (magnetic); ​32 expressive faces and 7 animal/silly faces;  ​6 hairstyles;  1 hair bow and 2 hats; ​2 dresses; ​2 skirts; ​5 shirts; ​6 pairs of pants​; 1 princess dress and crown​; 1 police shirt and pants with hat;​1 firefighter shirt and pants with hat; ​1 doctors jacket; ​1 skateboard, 1 soccer ball, 1 basketball, 1 snake.

Connect and Express kit- includes dry erase magnetic board and travel tote

SKU: 001
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